Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Brief Sidebar...But Not Really

First, a moment of silence. My old faithful computer (loving named Dellia last week when I was trying to coax her into working) seems to have given up the ghost...with 2 or 3 blogs I'd already prepared on it. :( Since I can't post from my phone, things may be a little slow around here for a little while. *Pours out a little OJ in Rememberance*

When I originally started this blog, it was to address mental health/self esteem issues to those living with HIV/AIDS as well as family members and caretakers. But I wanted it to be more of a retreat, not necessarily a clinic deal where you learn about medicines and doctors. Every woman, regardless of their status, should have a place to go where they can relax; both mentally and physically. Thus, Project Nefertiti was born. Even I'm still shaping what I want this space to become, I love being able to contribute to the fight in my own way.

Now, speaking of many times have you fought that little voice in your head telling you to sit down and rest? Or go to the doctor? Or tell someone NO? I'm still working on it myself. The biggest problem I probably have is telling people no. I can be exhausted beyond all meaning of the word but if someone asks me to help them I'll keep pushing..and if I work up the gumption to say no, I feel guilty about it for pretty much the rest of the day.

For a lot of women, that kind of guilt builds up until they are walking around depressed and because of the stigmata attached to receiving treatment in the African American community, we don't really address the issue. I mean, we'll talk to our pastor or friends or family, but if they're depressed too...?

The fact of the matter is, like HIV/AIDS with stats like this: and this: the need for conversation is long overdue. While we are overhauling our health care system, it is my hope that a huge push is made towards providing care for those that need more than a band aid.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Letter to My People Part 1

Because May is Mental Health Awareness month, I wanted to address a few things that are happening (or not happening) within the black community. This letter will be the first part. Stay with me...

Dear Black Women,

 I feel for you. I'm one of you. There are so many things the world expects from us and even more we expect from ourselves. We have high hopes and tough standards. When we fall short, we beat ourselves up because we feel that we aren't supposed to make mistakes. But we it's hurting us more than we know.

We seek men that will love us for who we are, challenge us, and won't complain when we buy too many pairs of shoes or fall into a funky "mood". The world, however, says we aren't likely to find our prince charming. So again, we blame ourselves. Am I too brusque? Did I do enough for him? Did I love enough? Did I emasculate him?

We are taught to be the backbone of our communit, but sometimes the weight seems too heavy. We're told not to complain but we want to scream until someone, ANYONE listens to us. But not only listen, feel for us. When our bodies tell us to get some rest we ignore it. If we're laid up, who's going to run the household?

Black women, I'm speaking to you as wel as to myself. You are some of the most beautiful, passionate, spirited women on the face of the earth. You possess a certain something that cannot be explained, nor can it be duplicated. You are worthy of all the love you desire and more just for being you. When we begin to see that in ourselves, others will too.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

World Give Day 2010 with @WorldGiveDay & @GiveFoward!

Hello Beauties!

Today is World Give Day 2010! Giving should be a big part of EVERYONE'S lives as there is nothing better to give and see how much another appreciates it. I, for one, am addicted to it. But I digress. World Give Day is a day where everyone in the world comes together to help the causes that matter to them most. This awesome awarness day was birthed by Give Foward, a site started to provide individuals and organizations an easier way to raise money for causes and 2010 is the first time this day is being recognized! Check out the World Give Day Facebook page here:, the website here:, and follow both the World Give Day and GiveFoward Twitter pages: @WorldGiveDay, @GiveForward. And most importantly, get out and give!