Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good For You Foods!

Hello Beauties!

Flu season is upon us and everyone is in an uproar trying to make sure they have their flu shot, are stocked up on vitamins, cold remedies, and warm clothing. But you know, if we ate a little healthier year round (and I’m guilty of not eating right myself), we would have to scramble for the meds and vitamins AFTER we were sick. So here are some great tasting good for you foods to keep stocked in your kitchen all year.

Milk: Calcium has always been the main selling point for milk. But, it’s also rich in protein (which builds and repairs body tissues), and Vitamin C (protects the immune system). The FDA recommends 3 cups of milk/dairy products per day. If you are allergic to regular milk, try soy or almond milk; however, be on the lookout for almond milk with added sweetener.

Chili Peppers: When you think chili pepper, you think HOT! However, chili pepper has this amazing lil ingredient called Capsaicin which cures like, everything. Really, it fights headaches, clears sinuses, and breaks down deposits on bones. It also is high in Vitamin A (which keeps your eyes, skin, and mucous membranes moist), and Vitamin C.

Onions & Garlic: Yes, they both make yo’ breath funky. Both are rich in Vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. So keep them (and some breath mints) handy.


Yogurt: Did you know that when you take an anti-biotic, you kill the “good” bacteria as well as the bad? I didn’t. This is where yogurt comes in. It’s full of cultures or “good” bacteria that the digestive system needs to run…ahem…smoothly. It also contains Calcium (for strong bones and teeth), Magnesium (for a health heart, bones, and teeth), and Vitamins B-2 & B-12 (B-2 helps convert carbs. B-12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells).

Grapes: In short, grapes are awesome and are packed with Vitamins A, C, and B6; And also has Calcium and Potassium.

Lastly, I read up on the “miracle fruit” Acai. From what I read it’s good for just about everything from helping you lose weight to curing world hunger (not really). But seriously, the Acai berry is full of Vitamin B and protein, and the Omega-3 doesn’t hurt either. Supposedly, it’s been shown to promote restful sleep, fights aging and inflammation, protects against heart disease, and increases…libido? (O_o). Well, it has good stuff in it, so it can’t hurt. Just don’t expect it to act as the hand of God. :)