Monday, September 21, 2009

Mind Touch: The Meeting of the Physical and the Mental

Hello Beauties!

Today, I want to let you in on a little secret. Can I trust you? I mean, I have a certain reputation to uphold, and if this should get out, well, I don't know what would happen to my credibility. Are you ready? *clutching at my pearls* I LIKE HUGS. Shh...don't tell anyone. For me, a hug is a way to make another person feel comforted, and through that physical touch I myself am comforted.

Being the nerd I am, I wanted to know what happens in the brain that triggers these feelings of comfort. Despite my uber nerdiness, I'm not going to big word y'all to death because I don't know what the words mean I don't want to bore you to death. But here's what I found out:

As we all know (I hope O_0), touch is one of the five ways the brain receives stimulating information. When you are touched, the brain releases serotonin (a chemical in the brain that transmits messages between brain cells). Low levels of serotonin has shown to cause depression, anxiety, and violent behavior. This goes to show that your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

To touch, or to be touched is to be "known" and is thought to be the greatest expression of love and trust that two beings can exhibit towards one another. If you're being hugged by someone you care for, or someone that you truly care for, your brain is releasing "feel good" chemical messages to your whole body. (That's if it's someone you care for. If it's a random person, feel free to kick them in the shin).

With that said, I think this week everyone should hug someone/thing (teddy bears are nice to hug too :-D) at least once. A hug can improve your whole day, start it off on the right foot, or help to end it with a smile. Don't be afraid! Hug's good for you. :) Or, just touch something...soft, smooth, squishy...whatever brings you pleasure and gets that serotonin moving.

Take care...and be BLESSED!



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